CHHOP ©2025
200 N. Water St.
Peekskill, NY 10566
Dear Friends
As I write this month’s letter, I reflect upon all that is seen and unseen. Newly fallen snow delights some with its softness and chagrins others who must navigate slippery sidewalks.
It has been a week since a new President took office, and three weeks from the unsuccessful insurrection to thwart that transfer of power and authority. The pandemic remains strong and vaccines scarce.
However, In the midst of all this there is hope. Hope because neighbors still clear snow for seniors, organizations hold food drives for pantries, and those without a home this winter can find refuge at Jan Peek House where they are welcomed and embraced.
The past months have been extraordinarily difficult for many of us. Some of us are mourning those we have lost to this vicious virus. Others remain anxious about how to pay the rent or feed their children. Yet, every day we get up, do what we must, and see the tangible evidence at day’s end that there is a bit more light.
The acts of kindness and grace that I encounter through volunteers who serve, donors who contribute, staff who give their all, and clients who support one another through the most difficult days, help me to see that light.
There will be spring. The pandemic will end. Let’s keep helping one another find the light.
Warmest regards,
Cynthia B. Knox, Esq.
CHHOP ©2025
200 N. Water St.
Peekskill, NY 10566