CHHOP ©2025
200 N. Water St.
Peekskill, NY 10566
Dear Friends
With spring comes the hope of new beginnings and I want to assure you that the dedicated team at Caring for the Hungry & Homeless of Peekskill (CHHOP) is working harder than ever to ensure that our most vulnerable neighbors are fed and housed.
In March 2021 Fred’s Pantry x CHHOP fed 4,471 veterans, seniors and families with children who are experiencing hunger. Additionally, the need for secure affordable housing is of utmost importance for our Jan Peek House Shelter residents and our RISE (Rehousing in Supportive Environments) domestic violence survivors. We are proud of our many success stories, yet the critical issues continue and, today, we need your help more than ever.
As Memorial Day approaches, we turn our attention to honoring the many veterans whose incredible sacrifices were made to ensure our freedom. Today, we are saddened by the fact that there are approximately 1,270 veterans experiencing homelessness in New York State, according to the 2019 statistics, the most recent available, from the New York State Division of Veteran’s Services.
George’s Story
This is the story of George, a 70-year old veteran helped by CHHOP. George served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam war and was later diagnosed with PTSD. He was living in Puerto Rico, but left after having lost everything when Hurricane Maria hit the island. He journeyed to Peekskill and without anywhere to live he arrived at CHHOP’s Jan Peek House and was immediately welcomed into our care and safely housed in the shelter. While living at Jan Peek House, George found solace and comfort by becoming involved with the CHHOP community. A former window display professional, he took great pride in helping to decorate for the holidays and engaging with others. Through the guidance of CHHOP’s Veteran’s Program Case Manager, George was connected with the services he needed from the Veteran’s Administration (VA). After only a few months of living at Jan Peek House, George was able to move into his own apartment. He now volunteers for the VA where he was recognized for the many hours that he has spent helping others.
Your donation to our Memorial Day Fundraiser can make a big difference in the lives of veterans whose sacrifices were made to ensure our freedom.
Warmest Regards,
Cynthia B. Knox
Cynthia B. Knox, Esq., CEO, CHHOP
CHHOP ©2025
200 N. Water St.
Peekskill, NY 10566